Kayla Bloom Kayla Bloom

The Limitations of Love and Light Only

When we first enter the spiritual community, we begin to naturally purify our energy systems meaning the way we speak, eat, dress, express, think, and act. Some of us decide to go down a path where we only want to be love and light. I have even seen email signatures that state Love and Light Only when ending the conversation. There is a certain stigma that comes with this, they think that if they are only love and light, that only love and light experiences will happen to them. They have become superior, and figured out the secret to the universe. What you give, you will get. Avoiding the dark and lower vibrations will keep the bad experiences away, right?

I have observed from the many stories that this is not necessarily ALL of the truth. When we do this we are creating a division of light and dark within. Whichever we say we aren’t is all we will see in another. We shut all our doors and windows, only love and light can come in because that is what is comfortable and easy. We use our grace of illumination to build a spiritual pedestal that only we can fit on while we look down upon all the unawakened people. All you begin to see is the darkness that surrounds all the unchosen while you wait for your rewards from god from being so good! Beautiful Body, Immortality, Unlimited Opportunities, Famous Clients, Instant Fame or Money. When you shut the windows and doors to the dark, it begins to condense your consciousness. I can’t eat that, I can’t wear that, No, don’t think that, and my sessions are only about love and light, no pain please. I've seen people who have eaten completely healthy according to the current spiritual community, completely vegan or completely whole food plant based, not taking in any lower density foods. When they still get cancer. I see people who eat very low dense foods, processed foods, and they're perfectly healthy. I've seen people who have done bad things and they belong in jail, and they just keep getting out of it. I've seen people with the purest souls who have awful, bad experiences happen and now they're homeless, and they do anything they can to help other people, they would give the shirt off their back. So there is NO pattern here. We start to look for a pattern because you're like I want to manifest this or that. Abraham Hicks said I could get a Bugatti if I put it on my vision board and say my positive mantras, so here it comes. I want to have a great, perfect, easy life and be comfortable. 

The goal isn’t ease and comfort-ability. The goal is soul stamina. Take each experience and allow God to respond and use your mouth to speak. We want to be with everyone and use (the love and light) the grace of illumination in a way where you're able to sit in the deepest darkest parts of despair with somebody and you're holding their hand in the mud. And it's so wet, but you can still light a match and have that person just look up for a moment to see and remember light. Utilizing illumination in a way that is safe, helpful, and productive. Not using it to keep the dark out and build your comfortable pedestal higher and higher. You're not able to give mystical love and divine light to someone, if you don't have your boots on the ground in 3D, using discernment walking through this dualistic world. You will continue to avoid, dismiss, reject, and bypass the very darkness that needs to be excavated for true transformation. 

So drop scrap the expectations you think you are going to receive for being the best, purest, and lightest at new age spirituality. Scrap the reward that you think is coming just for those that listen. Scrap the pride, scrap thinking your purpose is better than the unawakened person's purpose just because you learned to hear your guidance and act on it. The person that is walking right next to you, needs you. The darkness is needed. The only entity attached is you, it could be in pieces but that's okay we are all here putting humpty dumpty back together again. The pieces could be mad, your imagination could make the piece look scary because of what it said. Take a deep look, What are you using your love and light for? Are you using it to keep yourself in a comfortable place? High up so nobody can find you? Or do you have the soul stamina to walk in the darkness, recognizing a feeling, lighting a match, giving it to a stranger with no expectations? Even if they just blow it out.

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Kayla Bloom Kayla Bloom

The Great Divide in the Healing Community

If we are truly expressing the frequency of oneness within our communities on a large scale, collaboration would be running rampant within all of us in the healing community. No matter what- quantum healers hand in hand with medical doctors and the client’s inner physician working together assisting in healing through compassion. When in the state of healing, wholeness is required. Wholeness includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, and in this current healing culture, these bodies are considered separate when diagnosing and treating.  Besides the natural division of the bodies, we see a huge division beyond what I have stated above, on what is really the right course of action when dealing with an illness and preventative care. Chemotherapy? Gerson Therapy? Hyperbaric chambers? Radiation Therapy? Why do we have one side that is considered Big Pharma and the other side that is Holistic Care? Each side fights the other at being right as if Hermes and his counterpart are having a squabble over whose way to load the dishwasher is most productive at getting the dishes clean.

Preventive care seems to be loudest in this divide and it gets uncomfortable when the topic of vaccination comes up. Uncomfortability is where expansion and growth happens, not where you are comfortable so let’s go there. People have lost wonderful connections with family and friends over this divide. Within a consciousness divide this is normal to lose connections and can be compared to the spiritual ego in certain religions that separate themselves and deem others’ as “suppressive”(just an example) due to lifestyle or choosing something different than the majority. As someone who has been on both sides of this particular divide, I have to say that both sides are right. The option to choose is crucial to everyone.  It makes me want to ask, “ What is the best way to harness the placebo effect whether there is science behind it or not?” Maybe that’s all there really is, is the placebo effect and what initiates “the desired outcome” for the person is what they choose to believe. If this were to be true, then telling someone who firmly believes in vaccines, not to take vaccines anymore would be harmful for them because that belief structure is already in place and working.  For the majority of the collective it’s easy to choose what the doctor tells us and it works. The vaccines worked beautifully for my mother who worked in the school system for 20 plus years with illnesses every week spreading through the schools. 

Unfortunately, for others the vaccines are tragedies, listening to the doctor was harmful, didn’t work and caused pain for all parties involved. Who is left for you to trust in helping you heal but yourself? The medical doctors' lack of reverence for other choices and overindulgence in medical liability from fear has made a wall where compassion can't seem to get through. If the option of not taking the vaccines was treated just as equally as the option to take the vaccines. Bringing both choices together to be contemplated within so people can make the best possible choice for themselves, without the fear of humiliation from saying “no” to a figure in the community that is said to know more than you. The given space for the freedom of choice without regressive judgment feels like we are sewing ourselves back together. 

What is the missing link? Who knows best? How do we know what to choose for ourselves? You know best! An active inner physician, or inner healer seems to be that missing link. We can tend to naturally avoid/reject/deny the message from the inner healer, if we don’t think we are smart like the doctor. It is a lost art to listen to the subtle or loud voice that guides you to a certain doctor or healer, trial drug treatment, or even just a craving for food or minerals. This part of the subconscious is where we all need to build trust and be in connection with no matter what happens to us physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. While the outer physicians and healers work together to bring about an epidemic of “finding the root cause and ultimately individual (the now taboo word) cures”.  Imagine hospitals having a place for both medical doctors and quantum healers pulling a client's file together, and putting together a course of salubrious action. Maybe part of a hospitals healing program is having the subconscious to come through with health insights, hypnotic positive mind programming that their chosen treatment is working beautifully, a herbalist and pharmacist working together and it's all part of a larger system of support that we created by coming together under a deep understanding, that every physical body is different and we don’t know everything. I have unwavering hope because we have a beautiful commonality between us, that we want to help people.

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Kayla Bloom Kayla Bloom

21 Signs of Spiritual Psychosis

Spiritual psychosis is defined as behaviors and thought patterns expressed during spiritual emergencies and psychosis exemplify a loss of rational thought. Such symptoms include disorganized behaviors, irrational or confused speech patterns, and significant alterations in the way they view themselves and their place in the world. (SOL.com)

Spiritual psychosis is different from the process of dismantling the empirical egos psychosis from societal and cultural norms and beliefs. Spiritual psychosis comes from not walking between worlds properly, stagnating the merge between the worlds and staying in one world or the other. One world holds their trauma or an archetype that they haven't processed even though they say they have healed. Yet they don't they stop talking about the trauma or acting from the archetype. They are in complete resistance from what they are working through in this life, the other world is cosmic and they want to stay there, where their imagination whispers disillusionment. There are changes that need to happen in the world they don't want to reside in. They will find every excuse and negotiate their way out of the real world. They go from one channeler to a psychic, then to the next looking for what they want to hear and all others who don't say it are not "clear" or "purified". When they are just projecting themselves. 

Spiritual psychosis has spread exponentially since 2012 from the lack of true spiritual direction for the current awakening. Spiritual psychosis you tend to forget everything except what's important to you or whats going to bring you more followers. True awakening is a remembrance and awareness of God and seeing God in the details of your life and in ALL people. Not saying only " I AM" God, follow me. This I would classify as a crown chakra or godhead soul sickness. They have also separated themselves from something in the bigger world whether the government or their own family for being sheeple or unawakened (or whomever is taking blame for all that is wrong in their eyes) because they have separated their inner world, so they can play in their disillusionment for example the garden of eden or their own personal space ship.

21 Signs of Spiritual Psychosis

-The person thinks they have a higher purpose than everyone else.

-Stuck in God complex/spiritual ego.

-There is an underlining belief that they can control god or the weather.

-Speaking about guides using "they" as if they are separate.

-Not listening to guidance even though they hear it, feel it, see it or experience it.

-Trauma dumping all the time or only when they can trust someone. Holding on to unfelt pain for revenge or proof. Gossiping.

-Having explicit knowledge about who has ruined their life. Constantly "blames". Talking about the narcissist or enemy all the time.

-Either completely in Conspiracy theories or dabble.

-Fighting for an extreme belief (example: anti-vaccine or pro-vaccine)

-Doesn't want to be in their reality or the identity that they are. They rather stay in their created illusion or persona.

-claims to be of Yeshua Ben Joseph's/Moses/Noah's bloodline/Shiva/Buddha or claims to be "him" directly.

-Only they can receive clear messages from the divine.

-Only their way to god is the right way.

-Takes sacred text as literal.

-They think they will get or already claims to have the stigmata.

-Conversations are in loops or circles always bringing it to themselves.

-They wants people to use them as their middle man to Spirit. (Beginnings of a cult)

-Inner child or teenager is angry, bitter or in desperate need for validation.

-Their imagination or third eye is stronger than their soul.

-You can rock their boat easily by not giving them what they want. Tantrums happen when the chosen reality is questioned.

I highly advise that you don't put these people into trance. It's spiritually enables their disillusionment. Make sure when you have clients for free or paid sessions that you keep a look out for this. 



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Kayla Bloom Kayla Bloom

Soul Connection Sickness

Can you be alone? Does it feel good to be left by yourself? Do you like yourself? Or does the thought terrify you? Relationships are why we are here on earth. To initiate, maintain and enjoy an ongoing connection with someone or an animal or god takes time and energy. Whether it is in the unseen or in the physical. We all are thought to need this in the physical for survival. When the truth is you really only need the connection and relationship to your micro and macro soul. When this isn’t recognized or built upon, the sickness again switches it outward. “I must get what I need from a person outside and separate from me.”  “I will get the relationship I need through a physical person and they will fulfill those needs for me.” “I will become whole by having a relationship with them.” “I won’t die alone.” Thus, we begin a codependency. We attach to a person to fill the deep, black hole within us. We are attracted to what we think we do not have. Think about that for a second what did the last person you were in a relationship with have, that you think you didn’t possess. Identify the black hole, the void you are trying to fill. What were they providing for you? Can you give that to yourself?

This present culture and society places special relationships on a pedestal. Happily ever after…or there is only one soulmate or twin flame. You must have one to be successful and happy. Young women and men are made to believe that they will find the one and fall in love. This is true, you can and will  fall in-love and learn from these relationships. What do we do when that relationship ends and doesn’t last, we are then left with ourselves again. When they fail, we become depressed, miserable and feel unlovable. We think, “I will go far and be who I am meant to be if I just have that perfect partner to support me and love me.” All I need is love, assuming that you aren’t loved to begin with? Why do you have to physically see someone loving you? 

This particular problem is mainly in clients' natal charts with placements in the 1st and 7th house. It just raises the red flag. This person is codependent and is addicted to outwardly love. Anyone suffering from codependency or soul connection sickness really just needs to initiate, maintain and enjoy connection with their soul. The unseen wants a relationship with you. When I say this they are in disbelief that their purpose or someone else's purpose isn’t to love and be loved. It is….but it isn’t. They have sacrificed everything for this illusion of a happily ever after. What is really stopping you from connecting to soul and over-soul? What is it about yourself you are scared about learning? What is it that you are scared about having to take responsibility for? Are you entitled to a perfect loving partner?

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Kayla Bloom Kayla Bloom

Soul Shattering Sickness

Our psyche is a combination of our spiritual, emotional and mental bodies. When we make choices about ourselves or others and have experiences in life whether desirable or not. There is an action that takes place in our perception and what our consciousness has to show us what is next to begin to evolve or change- to reach our collective desire for love. Before I explain this we must change a cultural spiritual imposition of all parts inherently being a man such as the Father, the Son and the Holy ghost. Ghost implying that of a dead person that used to be WHOLE or HOLY. It has come to my innerstanding that the father, of the mind, of the sky and the child, of the human expression and the mother, of the heart, of the earth rings truer to the nature of the trinity. 

Soul shattering experiences happen at an early age or in teenage years and cause a confusing, clouded perception of life that is impossible to grasp, or ability to put back together by yourself. There isn’t just one line dividing two clearly presenting entities and what we need to look at. There are many pieces from one punch or continuous punches in glass, some small and some large, irregular in shape and some parts have been lost. Spirituality has found a first step in healing this phenomenon with soul retrieval to bring back the lost parts which bring about a wonderful feeling of “it was never lost, or I have been found”, yet doesn’t address the shatter. Justly so, these clients have wild inner childs that have run rampant and they are allowed to because of what they have been through. They normally have rage towards the people who raised them or siblings and channel the rage towards other parts of the larger self depending on who they blame for what has happened to them. They have every right to feel the way that they do. 

This shatter causes a feeling of being unsatisfied no matter what because the inner child holds the imagination, playfulness, and a part of our personality. The imagination is the communication device of the soul. If you cannot communicate properly with the soul, you go outward and look for a feeling of instant gratification. Which leads down some very painful paths. If I have a client that cannot go to any past life incarnations, I know it's because the inner child isn’t telling me a painful memory. That halts a session faster than anything else. These painful experiences need to be expressed and even then the child holds the power of expression too. Many won't speak, some child warriors become very dark artists. These playful artists will express the dark experiences in obnoxious ways that make others very concerned and not let go of the experience because it becomes their muse. They may think that's all they have left of themselves and this art is the way to communicate the pain. When to use art properly as a method of healing the purpose of expressing the pain is to let it go after expression not to keep it in your pocket for the next project.

What we need to look at is the one punch, the root cause of the shatter, the one that produced the kinetic energy of that punch. What if we took that person out of the energy field where there is no time and that action falls away, like it never existed. What does the picture look like now? Normally the shattered ones can not let go of the root of the person because then they aren’t getting what is coming to them. They still have the desire for revenge and prove themselves a superior person, and to punish those who have hurt them deeply. The other option is to create wholeness with the root still present. Can you create a feeling that you have no reference point for? Other practitioners will push forgiveness and I will be surprised if it works and they aren’t on their death bed finally making the decision to free themselves with forgiveness and to remove the root of the shatter from their energy field. So if none of this is working, what do we do? How do we help these brilliant rebel children put humpty dumpty back together again? How do we assist them in producing the grace of trust in the world and allow us to remove the tree of pain and plant a new one? That they don’t magically become in charge because the ones in charge are failing them. They aren’t the judge, jury, and executioner. That they already have done what they are fantasizing about doing. Yes, you aren't them right now, Yes you have had awful experiences but aren’t you ready for something new?

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Kayla Bloom Kayla Bloom

Soul Separation Sickness

Subconscious research conclusion on soul separation sickness in the psyche. Consciousness division of the micro and macro, within and without; the consequences and solution.

Consciousness division of the micro and macro, within and without; the consequences and solution.

How do you know you are choosing division in your consciousness? 

We absorb mystical intel from studying, conversation, and building a relationship with the subconscious. While the client enjoys the bliss of being in a hypnotic trance. The metaphors come out and a innerstanding produces a subtle shift, and compassion pours out of my unseen pores. We go out into the world to get groceries or to work in our matrix jobs and we look into the sea of people. God has highlighted someone for us to look deeper at. Whether it's an addict slowly damaging their physical body for a feeling, or a channeler only in it for the money damaging the sacredness of connection and the reputation of us all, or the government officials using their place of power for personal gain slowly damaging what was meant for the people. Maybe it's the person in your career that barely does any work and receives recognition and fame immediately while the decades of hard work hasn't produced that for you. These highlights of others can be positive or negative ever still producing a feeling within us. What are these highlights of "damaging" people in our reality and what is it trying to show us?

This highlight is the created separation. When you choose in the micro(small self) to separate yourself from others in ANY creative way-you choose, in turn this action within naturally divides your consciousness. You say, "that's not me." "That will never be me." (Focusing on a homeless man, an addict, overweight person, malcontent channeler, corrupt politician.) Thus division occurs within and without. A whole universe just split in two. Thus any energy produced from now on comes from a divided energy and a divided desire comes from your heart(to be separate from the one thing that appalls your soul). The mystical and physical laws of the universe spit out a reality in front of you, where two sides exist, you become only aware and see in the mirror what you rejected and you need to choose which side you are on or else you could die or something is taken from you. Your very existence depends on the existence of that person. That type of person keeps popping up to poke you into an emotion that you thought you alchemized and you retreat and run back into the box you have been hiding in. This micro separation is showing you who you need to produce grace for to heal the division in the consciousness.

     When this happens in the macro, it can be fatal. Shakespeare gave us the beautiful works of Romeo and Juliet, I saw how a separated collective consciousness can kill. This example of a divided reality and what it looks like to be in a world if the story of division fills the minds of a whole city. If there is enough people in the world- in the "collective consciousness" and we produce a collective manifest of separation in the macro consciousness. Which we see now amongst the chaos in current events, you pick side and battle the other side. Fighting and damaging yourself. Forever sitting in the unfelt pain, suffering and producing the same reality over and over. Choosing to be in a divided story forgetting that you are the story. You make the choice. The choice of the role you play or the grace you produce. Choosing to be the rebel or choosing to be the hero, wanting the underdog to win or wanting the comforting, long reigning leader to win. Both different stories that are right- "to themselves" desiring to be the Victorious one over the other. Thus both sides winning or losing throughout time- forever. The more challenging choice to give the needed grace to bring an ending to a painful time loop.

 We will continue to see the self we reject unrelentingly until we learn to see ourselves as one, love that one and secrete grace. I know its hard to learn to love the unfair parts of ourselves and thus many of us become resistant to God's challenge. If we could just look at them a little bit longer and serve. Be the example of what to do in a suffering time loop. I don't even question anymore, that's where the light is shining, that's where I go, forever solving the puzzle and healing separation

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